lurid boletus - translation to Αγγλικά
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lurid boletus - translation to Αγγλικά

Boletus pinophilus; Boletus pinicola; Болетус соснолюбивый
  • слева
  • Плодовые тела белого гриба соснового. [[Томская область]], сосновый лес

lurid boletus      

общая лексика

поддубовик (Boletus luridus)

  • alt=A mushroom with a brown smooth cap the shape of a halved sphere, atop a thick, dirty white stipe. The mushroom is growing on a sloping patch of ground amongst moss, twigs and other forest debris; trees can be faintly seen in the background.
  • Cross-section showing white flesh, broad stem, and spore tubes on the underside of the cap
  • alt=A group of three mushrooms with reddish-brown caps, bright yellow porous undersides, and thick white stipes. They are growing on the ground in soil covered with pine needles.
  • alt=Side view of the head and upper body of a man wearing a dark jacket and white ruffled collar.
  • alt=Skeletal formula depicting the amino acids cysteine and glycine joined in a peptide bond, with free carboxy and amino groups at either end of the peptide chain. Parentheses around the peptide bond indicate a variable number of amino acids are involved.
  • A pile of dried porcini at the [[Borgotaro]] festival of the porcino, Italy
  • A porcini mushroom and noodle soup served in a bread bowl at a Polish restaurant
  • Porcini can vary considerably in size.
Porcini mushroom; Porcini; Cèpe; Cepes; Cèpes; King bolete; Cepe; Cep; Boletus betulicola; Boletus persoonii; Boletus quercicola; Boletus venturii; King bolete mushroom; Porcini Mushroom; Boletus chippewaensis; Cep (mushroom)


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  • alt=A mushroom with a brown smooth cap the shape of a halved sphere, atop a thick, dirty white stipe. The mushroom is growing on a sloping patch of ground amongst moss, twigs and other forest debris; trees can be faintly seen in the background.
  • Cross-section showing white flesh, broad stem, and spore tubes on the underside of the cap
  • alt=A group of three mushrooms with reddish-brown caps, bright yellow porous undersides, and thick white stipes. They are growing on the ground in soil covered with pine needles.
  • alt=Side view of the head and upper body of a man wearing a dark jacket and white ruffled collar.
  • alt=Skeletal formula depicting the amino acids cysteine and glycine joined in a peptide bond, with free carboxy and amino groups at either end of the peptide chain. Parentheses around the peptide bond indicate a variable number of amino acids are involved.
  • A pile of dried porcini at the [[Borgotaro]] festival of the porcino, Italy
  • A porcini mushroom and noodle soup served in a bread bowl at a Polish restaurant
  • Porcini can vary considerably in size.
Porcini mushroom; Porcini; Cèpe; Cepes; Cèpes; King bolete; Cepe; Cep; Boletus betulicola; Boletus persoonii; Boletus quercicola; Boletus venturii; King bolete mushroom; Porcini Mushroom; Boletus chippewaensis; Cep (mushroom)
Cell Data Processor
процессор данных соты. Микропроцессорная плата в составе линейного оборудования передачи (LTE), являющаяся частью мультипроцессорной системы (PPC, PPP, CEP).


то же, что белый гриб.
Генрих Авиэзерович (р. 1929), русский писатель. Антимилитаристская, антифашистская направленность в повести ("Май в Лиссабоне", 1975), пьесах ("Интервью в Буэнос-Айресе", 1976; Государственная премия СССР, 1977; "Агент 00", 1982). Роман-эссе "Пролог" (1984; Государственная премия СССР, 1986). Репортажи.


Белый гриб сосновый

Бе́лый гриб сосно́вый, или борово́й, или бо́летус соснолюби́вый (лат. Bolétus pinóphilus) — гриб рода Боровик семейства Болетовых.

Считается самостоятельным видом или формой белого гриба (Boletus edulis f. pinicola (Vitt.) Vassilk.).

Μετάφραση του &#39lurid boletus&#39 σε Ρωσικά